Aesthetic Realism
A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology

Anthro TECH Site of the Month Award

Taught by Arnold Perey
6:00 PM alternate Wednesdays

What Isn’t Anthropology About?

 September 22 Truth and Lying; Promises and Broken Promises

The tribal view comparing the “person with forked tongue” and the truthful person. What does it say about our time?

October 6 “As the Twig Is Bent,” or the Future of Infants

A study of Pueblos, Alorese, the United States. Every parent and tribe hopes the little ones grow up with certain values. Are the adults true to these values?

October 23, SATURDAY How Much Zip, Mojo, Style Can a Spoon or Chair Have?

Saturday morning we meet with The Visual Arts and the Opposites class taught by Marcia Rackow. We’ll see the show Design and Art: Functional Objects from Donald Judd to Rachel Whiteread at the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum: “ The first museum exhibition of the virtually unknown design works by some of the most influential artists of the last half century.” 2 East 91st Street: Take Lexington Avenue 4, 5, or 6 subway.

November 3 The Making of a Tribal Chief

Comparing primeval African and Native American criteria to each other and us.

November 17 The Turbulent Beauty of Evolution

December 1 Ego and Leadership amongst Camels, Reindeer, Cattle, Horses: In Other Words, amongst the Social Animals

December 15 Can You See Aesthetics in a Culture Not Your Own--or, Your Own?

Students speak on an instance of anthropology. Can we see beauty in this instance as we see opposites in it?--Even if it’s messy, strange, difficult?


Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy founded by Eli Siegel in 1941, is taught in classes, public seminars and presentations, and individual consultations at the Aesthetic Realism Foundation in New York City; as well as by speaking engagements nationwide and telephone consultations. The Class Chairman, Ellen Reiss, teaches the classes for Aesthetic Realism associates and consultants which I attend. As I write today I am proud to say that I am a consultant on the Foundation's faculty. I teach anthropology and teacher education workshops and I am an instructor in consultations, which teach a person the aesthetic way of seeing the world and themselves.  Links are provided below so you can find out more.

Home Page: Aesthetic Realism: A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology
Aesthetic Realism Foundation
Aesthetic Realism Online Library
The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method
Aesthetic Realism Consultations
Links to Aesthetic Realism Resources
John Singer Sargent's Madame X, an Aesthetic Realism Discussion
Essays and News Pieces about Aesthetic Realism
The Place of Aesthetic Realism in Culture,"Friends of Aesthetic Realism — Countering the Lies"

Anti-Racism Resources:

See the page titled " How Aesthetic Realism Opposes Racism." The practical and deep articles on the Web include, too, "On Racism & How to End It" by Nancy Huntting; Allan Michael's "It Is In Contempt That the Root of Racism Lies"; Alice Bernstein's "Poems by Eli Siegel about Martin Luther King and America" and the book she edited: Aesthetic Realism and the Answer to Racism. Other articles include, "The Genome & Equality""Words, Truth, & the Confederate Flag"; "Fascism, Understood At Last!"; "Aesthetic Realism: The Solution to Racism""Contempt, the Cause of Racism""Queen's Visit to Amritsar" by Christopher Balchin. And articles by New York teachers who show how the standard curriculum, K-12, can be used to encourage kindness include: "Prejudice Changes to Respect" and "Students Learn, Prejudice Is Defeated!"

Aesthetic Realism Foundation
Friends of Aesthetic Realism—Countering the Lies
Copyright © 2001-2009 by Arnold Perey. All rights reserved