Aesthetic Realism
A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology

Anthro TECH Site of the Month Award

Taught by Arnold Perey
6:00 PM alternate Wednesdays
3rd Floor Library, Aesthetic Realism Foundation
Spring 2005

The Feelings of People Are Real!

What can we learn about our country and ourselves from the feelings of people living on other continents and in other centuries? What can we learn about love, war, kindness, that we can’t otherwise? With this principle by Eli Siegel, “The resolution of conflict in self is like the making one of opposites in art,” one sees the feelings of people as real in a firm and exciting way that has simply not been possible before .


January 26   Marco Polo Crosses Asia: Sameness and Difference in Emotion

February 12  SATURDAY AM (not Feb. 9) The Personal and the Impersonal  

Looking at Native American Art and Tales. Saturday morning we meet with The Visual Arts and the Opposites class taught by Marcia Rackow at the National Museum of the American Indian in downtown Manhattan.  More information to follow.

February 23 Inside and Outside--in India & NYC

Discussing R.K. Narayan’s stories in Under the Banyan Tree

March 9    Feelings of the Ndowe People--How Like Ours!

Tales of West and Central Africa in Ndowe Tales gathered and translated by Enenge A'Bodjedi

March 23   The Family--Alienation and Coziness across the Continents

Discussion of anthropological classics, e.g. Mead and Calas’ Primitive Heritage

April 6   What impelled War and Peace in the Amazon?

What the great Montaigne learned--and tells of in his Essaies.

April 20   Opposites Then and Now; Opposites Here and There

Students speak on an instance of anthropology. Can we see ourselves in this instance as we see opposites in it?

Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy founded by Eli Siegel in 1941, is taught in classes, public seminars and presentations, and individual consultations at the Aesthetic Realism Foundation in New York City; as well as by speaking engagements nationwide and telephone consultations. The Class Chairman, Ellen Reiss, teaches the classes for Aesthetic Realism associates and consultants which I attend. As I write today I am proud to say that I am a consultant on the Foundation's faculty. I teach anthropology and teacher education workshops and I am an instructor in consultations, which teach a person the aesthetic way of seeing the world and themselves.  Links are provided below so you can find out more.

Home Page: Aesthetic Realism: A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology
Aesthetic Realism Foundation
Aesthetic Realism Online Library
The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method
Links to Aesthetic Realism Resources
John Singer Sargent's Madame X, an Aesthetic Realism Discussion
Essays and News Pieces about Aesthetic Realism
The Place of Aesthetic Realism in Culture,"Friends of Aesthetic Realism — Countering the Lies

Anti-Racism Resources:

See the page titled " How Aesthetic Realism Opposes Racism." The practical and deep articles on the Web include, too, "On Racism & How to End It" by Nancy Huntting; Allan Michael's "It Is In Contempt That the Root of Racism Lies"; Alice Bernstein's "Poems by Eli Siegel about Martin Luther King and America" and the book she edited: Aesthetic Realism and the Answer to Racism. Other articles include, "The Genome & Equality""Words, Truth, & the Confederate Flag"; "Fascism, Understood At Last!"; "Aesthetic Realism: The Solution to Racism""Contempt, the Cause of Racism""Queen's Visit to Amritsar" by Christopher Balchin. And articles by New York teachers who show how the standard curriculum, K-12, can be used to encourage kindness include: "Prejudice Changes to Respect" and "Students Learn, Prejudice Is Defeated!"

Aesthetic Realism Foundation
Friends of Aesthetic Realism—Countering the Lies
Copyright © 2001-2009 by Arnold Perey. All rights reserved