Oksapmin Society and World View: Doctoral Dissertation by Arnold Perey, Columbia University
Selection 1 | Selection 2 | Selection 3
Selection 4 | Selection 5 | Selection 6

Idealism and Practicality: How Can a Man Have Both?
Malinowski in the Trobriands
Includes a discussion of the great anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski and his Diary in the Strict Sense of the Word, written in New Guinea of 1914-1918.
Originally presented in an Aesthetic Realism Foundation seminar, October 2005, this paper explains the division in a person between being "practical" and "idealistic" and how Malinowski went after solving that division in his anthropological functionalism.
Kinship: "Body and World in Oksapmin Kin Terms"

"A New Perspective for American Anthropology" In The Anthropologist, University of Delhi, India
Consider the native people of 0ksapmin, New Guinea....Do they have two opposite attitudes to the world—that it has been kind to them and the gods have been good, and also that it has rooked them? Have they hundreds of possibilities of being pleased and angry?
Gwe, Young Man of New Guinea: A Novel Against Racism

You can see the Aesthetic Realism understanding of racism in action in my novel Gwe, Young Man of New Guinea on the website of the same name (click here) and on Amazon.com where it can also be purchased.