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Aesthetic Realism and the Answer to Racism
by Alice Bernstein

Alice Bernstein is editor and one of the authors of a book which will be seen as a classic. It educates deeply and is one of the big reasons that one day we will be able to say: Racism has been defeated. Aesthetic Realism and the Answer to Racism, writes Ms. Bernstein, " is being published with a sense of urgency and hope; urgency because racism is still rampant in the world; hope, because there is a true, practical, kind, learnable, and yes, even beautiful answer." 

Alice Bernstein's book contains articles published nationwide, including Eli Siegel's fundamental work, "The Equality of Man" of 1923. 

I am glad to say my essay "An Anthropologist Speaks about Race" and two others are in the company of these definitive resources.

Some of the essays by Ms. Bernstein and others are:

"Two Poems by Eli Siegel about Martin Luther King and America"; "Young and Old Learn Answer to Racism at Brooklyn Children's Museum"; "Congressman Elijah E. Cummings: A True Representative;" "Brown vs. Board of Education: What Interferes with Justice?" by Alice Bernstein.
  • "India: The Amritsar Massacre" by Christopher Balchin
  • "A Conversation between an Israeli and a Palestinian" by Bruce Blaustein
  • "Richard Wright, Aesthetic Realism, and the End of Racism" by Allan Michael
  • "Israelis and Germans Need to Study Contempt--the Cause of Hatred and Prejudice" by Ruth Oron and Julie Jensen
  • "Aesthetic Realism Can End Prejudice and Racism--a Latino Perspective" by Dr. Jaime Torres
  • SEE 'Aesthetic Realism and the Answer to Racism' by Alice Bernstein

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